
The Aries archetype is most often associated with the Self-Confident Personality Style. These people believe in themselves and in what they can accomplish. They are open about the aspirations they have for themselves and possibilities for the future. They see themselves as special and unique and may believe that there is a special reason for their existence. They accept compliments, praise, and admiration well.

Self-Confident people expect others to treat them well at all times and may identify with people of high rank and status. They may become leaders in their own right. They are usually competitive, loving the climb to the top. They may see themselves as a heroes or stars. They are able to take advantage of the strengths and abilities of other people in order to achieve their goals, and they are shrewd in their dealings with others.

The first 30 degrees of the zodiac and the first 30 days following the spring equinox (also known as the Aries point), symbolize the Aries phase of the Earth’s yearly cycle. During this phase, the hours of daylight grow longer in the northern hemisphere. The Aries phase represents beginnings, birth, and the energy needed for the new being to sprout or emerge.

The beginnings of new plant and animal life are characteristic of this phase. Seeds left from the previous fall begin to sprout. New buds appear on the dormant-appearing branches of trees and bushes. Many animals give birth to their young in the spring. Some animals emerge, breed, and give birth quickly during this phase. The young of others who were born during the winter make their first appearance.

For animals and others with some degree of self-consciousness, Aries represents becoming aware of oneself as a separate and independent object or being. Aries is the impulse to be, to manifest, to establish a new identity, to form a separate self. Aries signifies birth as a newly independent entity or being. It represents all beginnings as well as all persons, traits, and characteristics associated with the spring and new starts. It represents the source or fountainhead of streams and rivers, ideas and projects. It rules the explorer, the pioneer, the adventurer, and the inventor.

The Ram, as the symbol of Aries, represents the energy necessary for the process of birth and for the emergence of a new self. The glyph for Aries represents the ram, especially the ram’s head, face, and horns.

Aries is traditionally ruled by Mars. The Sun is exalted in Aries. The energies of Mars and the Sun are highly compatible with Aries. Aries is the detriment of Venus and the fall of Saturn.

Aries is a cardinal fire sign. Cardinal signs are considered to be active or action-oriented signs, because they mark change and the beginning of a new season. Fire signs symbolize inspiration and spirit-based energy. Aries symbolizes activity, change, and movement in the realm of spirit or on the mental-spiritual plane. It brings inspiration, enthusiasm, optimism, grand ideas, and new goals.

Aries’ key words are usually expressed as I Am.

Aries is associated with the head, especially with the face and nose.

Aries symbolizes personal identity, self-consciousness, and self-awareness. It expresses as assertiveness, aggression, autonomy, freedom, impulsivity, independence, initiative, naivety, self-centeredness, and spontaneity. It is bold, courageous, daring, egocentric, energetic, enthusiastic, excited, impulsive, independent, naive, rash, selfish, and spontaneous.

Planets in Aries take on an active, aggressive, assertive, egocentric, impulsive, innocent, quick, and selfish nature. Their activities may be short-lived and insensitive to the feelings of others.

When Aries is found on the cusp of a house, the individual approaches the affairs of the house in an assertive, aggressive, ego-centric, impulsive, innocent, and selfish fashion. The affairs of the house may become the starting point for most of the individual’s activities, projects, and actions. Aries on the cusp of a house may significantly intensify matters ruled by the house.

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